Provi Egg provides production-supply services by observing current technological developments in order to offer healthy and quality products to all its customers.
In Provi Egg facilities, there are belt system, speed adjusting device, egg counters, inside-outside conveyor machine, egg sorting machine, egg writing machine, sorting washing-wiping machine, hygiene machine, shrink wrapping and packaging machine and banding machines.
The eggs that come to the belt system after laying eggs in Provi Eggs make a slight transition from the belt to the conveyor system thanks to the speed adjusting device. There is a device that counts each egg passing over the conveyor to confirm the data properly. The counted eggs move towards the warehouse where sorting and packaging will be made by passing to the external conveyor system, which is installed with an appropriate slope to prevent breakage. Before entering the sorter, Class B eggs are selected in accordance with hygiene rules. Then, with the help of light in the sorting machine, the hidden and broken eggs with KKN (critical control point) are separated before they are sorted. After this separation, the eggs are sorted and packaged in the packaging machine without human touch. Then it is taken to the shipping department.