- Eggs are a natural and functional food that meets the daily requirements of human nutrition, containing protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals of both economic and superior biological value in animal foods.
- Thanks to its active ingredients, the egg has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-carcinogenic properties, as well as properties such as protection against various diseases in its structure.
- The egg consists of egg whites (60%), egg yolks (30%) and egg shells (10%).The egg white is very rich in protein and the yolk is very rich in fat, and a medium-sized egg can meet 10% of the daily protein requirements of an individual and 8% of the fat requirements .
- Eggs contain 7% of daily Linoleic acid, 100% of Vitamin A, 18% of Vitamin D3, 36% of Riboflavin (B2), 160% of B12, which an adult needs daily. It can meet 15% of Vitamin E, 17% of Thiamine (B1), 45% of Folic acid, 15% of Phosphorus and Magnesium, 9% of Calcium and Copper, 17% of Zinc, 35% of Iodine.
- Egg protein is more economical when compared to other proteins of animal origin. Despite its low price, it contains high quality protein and is highly digestible. When egg protein is compared with other foodstuffs in terms of biological value, it takes the first place with its digestibility value of 95%, followed by milk with 85%, fish with 76% and beef with 74%.
- Making breakfast in the morning increases school success in children. For breakfast , eggs, milk, consumption of foods such as cheese , high-quality protein and energy content of the meal by letting blood sugar because of late autumn , in the period until the next meal, students work more efficiently , therefore, improves attention and learning abilitie
- Babies and children who are in a period of rapid mental and physical growth and development need more protein.It is recommended that at least half of the protein consumed should be of animal origin. Therefore, the necessary importance should be given to eggs, which are a source of high-quality protein in the nutrition of children.
- During pregnancy and lactation, when the need for protein in adult women increases, eggs should be the main source of high-quality protein.
- Eggs are very rich in vitamins A, D, E, K and group B and are almost a storehouse of vitamins.
- Vitamin A, found in the yolk of an egg, is an essential vitamin for good eye vision, bone development and skin health. It helps the development of body cells. It ensures that the respiratory and digestive systems are healthy and protected against infections.
- Eggs are also a source of vitamin E. The most important property of vitamin E is that, due to its antioxidant (anti-oxidation) effect, it protects the body against harmful substances.
- If enough of the sun's rays are used and eggs are consumed, bone disorders due to vitamin D deficiency do not occur, especially in children.
- Eggs are an important source of choline.Choline is active in the development of the brain and the performance of its functions.It is also a good source of acetyl choline, which has a role in nerve conduction.The need for choline increases during pregnancy and lactation. The addition of one egg a day to the diet of healthy women during this period will contribute to the health of both mother and baby.
- Egg is an important mineral store in terms of macro minerals such as calcium (Ca) and Phosphorus (P), which are the main building blocks of bones, teeth, hair and nails, and extremely rich in micro elements such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).
- The amount of iron in egg yolk is similar to the iron in meat. Iron is necessary for blood production, anemia (anemia) occurs when it is taken insufficiently. In addition, iron also has a role in growth, development, protection against diseases.
- Eggs are also a good source of the mineral zinc, which has a role in child nutrition, especially in growth-development and the immune system.Zinc also has tasks in reproduction and wound healing.
- A medium-sized egg is about 75 calories.
- Although it contains low energy, it is defined as a "high nutritional value" food due to its high content of many other essential nutrients. It is known that eggs have a beneficial effect on diet programs due to their satiety-providing effect.
- Eggs should be stored in the cold / cool place / refrigerator after purchase.
- When buying eggs, care should be taken that they are stored in a cool environment in markets. The shell of the egg should be clean, neat-looking, thick and slightly rough. Jul. Cracked and broken eggs should not be bought.These eggs can lose their freshness more quickly and deteriorate.They also create a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.
- In order to prevent rapid deterioration, it should be stored in the original cardboard box purchased without washing. If the egg is washed, it loses its natural protective layer and deteriorates quickly. Therefore, it should be washed when it is to be used.Since the shell of the egg is porous, it is able to absorb odors. To prevent this, eggs should not be stored in the refrigerator near foods that have a strong smell, such as onions, fish. Daily fresh eggs should be consumed within 28 days, without losing the property of being of good quality.